#EAinnovates Preview with #DEEPdt


On Sunday, I leave for the 2nd annual #EAinnvates where I will co-lead with Maggie Powers & Jim Tiffin once again in a 4-day DEEP design thinking & #makerED experience.  We are calling this #EAinnovates 2.0 as we are building on our learnings from last year's workshop as well as expanding its scope, scale, and wizowwww factor.  Be Curious. Be Passionate. Let Learning In.  Here is a quick preview of some of the MEANS (tools/exercises) we will be utilizing during the experience.  Avid readers and DEEP design thinkers take note, these MEANS are not in the PLAYBOOK... which is cool yet purposeful.  As two years have past since the creation of the PLAYBOOK, let's just say its time for some User-Centered iterations. Stay Tuned...

DEEPdt Means Uilized @ #EAinnovates

EAinnovates Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 9.00.56 AM