DEEpdt Challenge Mapper: Start w/ Qs
DEEPdt Challenge Mapper #StartWQs
The below is an iteration from the original DEEPdt Challenge Generator.... The DEEPdt Challenge Mapper: Start with Questions. Upon some valued feedback, I agree there is way too much text and overwhelming to the reader. I do believe the questions are valuable to ask one self in foreseeing different and somewhat unpredictable moments during a DEEP design thinking experience. Can we say a possible future iteration 3.0? Well, instead of trying to reduce/redesign the text delivery any time soon, I am going to design a new & different DEEPdt Challenge Planner. In my head, I can visualize, map out, plan, track, and predict executable moments during the design process. Yet, thankfully I do not live in a world of I alone, and I want to create a tool for teachers to be able to utilize to infuse a Ddt challenge or two :) into their instructional space. So I guess, stay tuned.